Business Coaching in Hampshire
“Difficulties mastered are opportunities won” – Winston Churchill.
“It’s never too late to be what you might have been” – George Elliot.
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending” – Neil Hawkins, (Business Coach).
These days Professional Business Coaching and Life Coaching work hand in hand as the divide between the two is minimal. Whether you work from home, or you find your home life is affecting your work. You can’t look at one without touching on the other.
What is coaching?
Coaching is all about you. It’s a series of conversations in which the focus is on what you say, what you mean and what you want.
Just as a coach (in its original meaning) is a form of transportation, your coaching session is a way of getting from where you are now to where you want to be. Coaching is future-focused, meaning that while we acknowledge the past for what it can teach us, we set our sights clearly on the future that you want to build for yourself.
Each coaching session begins with you deciding an aim for the session, and finishes with an agreed action or set of actions which further that aim.
What can coaching do for you?
The possibilities of coaching are limited only by you.
Together we can create the life you want to lead. Don't worry if you are not quite sure what that looks like right now - we are here to help you discover what you really want.
What sort of people use a coach?
Coaching clients include: -
- Normal every-day people who want more out of life
- High-flying professionals
- Business leaders and owners
- People who are entering into a new role (at work or at home)
- People who are experiencing change and want to cope better with it and understand their own motivations and feelings
- People who need to make changes but do not know where to begin
- People who feel lost, stuck in a rut, or directionless and want to explore their own potential and resources.
What types of coaching do we use?
Life coaching involves understanding what you really want out of life and putting in place positive actions which lead to these goals. Life coaching tends to concentrate on areas such as wealth, personal success, relationships and personal ambitions.
- Business Coaching shares many characteristics with life coaching. The difference tends to be that the focus is on business life. Perhaps you or your staff need coaching to fulfil your potential in a new role. Maybe you are looking to clarify and communicate your vision for your business, or to set powerful goals that are in line with your deeper values.
How can coaching help my business?
There are two main ways in which coaching can help your business.
- By empowering you as a business owner or leader to clarify your own aims and objectives and fully understand your vision and values. This may be having the confidence to plan big at the start of your business, or the faith to leave more of your business in capable hands at the end of your career.
- By coaching your key workers to achieve their potential, whether this is coaching through change, self development or team development.
How can coaching help me?
Experience a fresh prospective.
Making better choices.
Increased confidence, energy, and motivation.
Creating better relationships.
Achievement of relevant goals.
Rates & Packages
Prices starting from £65 per hour (plus mileage at 45p per mile from Petersfield)
Full details available on request. – Contact us
European Mentoring & Coaching Council
B2B are proud to be associated with the EMCC and believe in its values:
EMCC Code of Ethics PDF >
EMCC Diversity Statement PDF >
Challenge your mind and unlock your potential.
If you would like to know more about our Consultancy, Sales Training and Coaching services and are within any of the following locations. Please contact us to arrange your FREE initial meeting: Hampshire, Surrey, West Sussex, Dorset, Berkshire and London.